career development

Gen-X: The Over-Looked Generation

Gen-X: The Over-Looked Generation

Gen Xers are the smallest generation in the workforce (20%), and the majority of them are still being over-looked at work. Gen Xers represent the current and future leaders with both the wisdom of experience and the technological savvy to drive strong performance. While the media continues to focus on the Boomer’s extended transition to retirement and the engagement of Millennials who will eventually represent 40% of the workforce by 2020, the forgotten Gen Xers could become a flight risk. Told to be patient and wait for their turn, frustrated Gen Xers might decide to depart for better opportunities along with the retiring Boomers and leave some organizations with an inexperienced cadre of unprepared Millennials.

Building Lifelong Career Management Skills

Building Lifelong Career Management Skills

Most university career service organizations specialize in helping their graduates find their first job and most are very good at that.  With extensive networks of employers seeking emerging students and an approach focused on landing that first job, graduates often effortlessly transition from school to work without breaking a sweat.  However, gaining immediate success may not prepare them with the skills and experience to tackle a future job search that may prove more challenging.